A regular contribution investment-linked family takaful riders for investment purpose only where contributions (after deducting upfront wakalah charge) will be used to purchase units in the Investment Unit Account (IUA).
For as little as RM 10 a month, you can add on Takaful Saver supplementary benefit to enable you to buy more units. Takaful Saver does not have any takaful cover and 95% of the contribution is allocated to buy units.
The contribution direction into selected investment funds will follow Takafulink contribution direction i.e. participants are not allowed to decide a different contribution direction for Takaful Saver.
We also provide Supplementary Benefits riders along with Takaful Saver which is:
We also provide Supplementary Benefits riders along with Takaful Saver which is:
Takaful Saver Contributor
Pays an annual benefit (Takaful Saver contribution) in the event of critical illness. Payment will cease upon death of participant.
Takaful Saver Parent Contributor or Takaful Saver Spouse Contributor
In the event of death, TPD before age 60 or diagnosis of critical illness on the spouse or parent of participant, the benefit will assist the participant with future contributions to the Takaful Saver. Payment of annual benefit will cease upon death of participant or upon reaching age 60.
Takafulink Fund
Choose the Shariah-approved Takafulink funds that suit your investment needs and risk tolerance.
Choose the Shariah-approved Takafulink funds that suit your investment needs and risk tolerance.
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti
• Aims to maximise returns over medium to long term by investing in high quality Shariah-approved shares listed on the Bursa Malaysia.
• For participants with high risk tolerance and medium to long term investment horizon.
• Aims to maximise returns over medium to long term by investing in high quality Shariah-approved shares listed on the Bursa Malaysia.
• For participants with high risk tolerance and medium to long term investment horizon.
Takafulink Dana Bon• Aims to provide medium to long term accumulation of capital by investing in selected Shariah-approved securities
• For participants with low to moderate risk horizon and medium to long term investment horizon.
• For participants with low to moderate risk horizon and medium to long term investment horizon.
Takafulink Dana Urus
• Is a managed fund that seeks to maximise returns over medium to long term. This is achieved by investing in Shariah-approved shares and securities through Takafulink Dana Ekuiti and Takafulink Dana Bon and in any other such Takafulink funds that may become available in the future.
• For participants with moderate to high risk tolerance and medium to long term investment horizon.
• Is a managed fund that seeks to maximise returns over medium to long term. This is achieved by investing in Shariah-approved shares and securities through Takafulink Dana Ekuiti and Takafulink Dana Bon and in any other such Takafulink funds that may become available in the future.
• For participants with moderate to high risk tolerance and medium to long term investment horizon.
Who can take up Takaful Saver?Anyone between 18 and 60 years old can take up this rider. You can also take up this rider for your child who is under 18 years of age.
What are the charges?
1. Wakalah Charge of 5% of the contribution for commission and distribution related expenses.
2. Asset Management Wakalah Charge:
1. Wakalah Charge of 5% of the contribution for commission and distribution related expenses.
2. Asset Management Wakalah Charge:
Takafulink Dana Bon0.5% per annum
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti1.5%per annum
Takafulink Dana Urus
1.3% per annum
(Subject to revision in the future)
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti1.5%per annum
Takafulink Dana Urus
1.3% per annum
(Subject to revision in the future)
The charges are levied daily based on the corresponding IUA fund value and reflected in unit price.
3. Switching fee is set at 1% (Subject to maximum of RM50) for any subsequent switch within the year.
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